martes, 20 de diciembre de 2016

Berta Soler Released, But UNPACU Activists Still Detained

Berta Soler Released, But UNPACU Activists Still Detained / 14ymedio,
Mario Penton

14ymedio, Miami, 19 December 2016 — The leader of the Ladies in White
movement was released on Monday after being detained for 24 hours. Berta
Soler was arrested the previous day in one of the largest raids against
the opposition in recent months. Meanwhile, approximately ten activists
of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU) remain imprisoned, according to
a report by phone from Jose Daniel Ferrer, leader of that organization.

"According to the count we have done, some 117 UNPACU activists were
arrested on Sunday and nine houses were raided by the police, who seized
five personal computers and dozens of phones, flash drives, printers and
printed materials," Ferrer told 14ymedio.

UNPACU had called for a march for freedom of all political prisoners and
solidarity with Danilo Maldonado, known as El Sexto, and Eduardo Cardet,
who were both detained after the death of Fidel Castro.

Six of the houses raided were in Santiago de Cuba, two in Palma Soriano
and one in Palmarito de Cauto.

According to Ferrer, the police also seized cash in the houses where
they entered, including 370 CUC "intended for the feeding of a pregnant
woman and the purchase of things for her unborn child."

The opponent considers that the government is trying to behead the
movement. "They want to capture as many coordinators of UNPACU as
possible," he explains. Almost all detained activists have this
organizational role within UNPACU.

This Monday the trial of Lisandra Rivera Rodriguez, accused of the crime
of attack, was expected to be held.

"They are afraid of the reaction of the organization, so they are
developing a rather large operation in Santiago de Cuba. They have
placed police barriers around my house," says Ferrer. The police again
threatened to return him to jail, when he and other left together to
seek the mediation of the Catholic Church.

"I was told that I was inciting the members of the UNPACU to commit
crimes of public disorder, attack, contempt and espionage," he commented.

UNPACU is the largest opposition organization in the country, centered
mainly in the eastern provinces and with a presence in Havana.

The Ladies in White also reported the arrest of 32 activists in Havana
and an undetermined number in the provinces.

"We are now updating the report to have the total number of arrests
because many Ladies are still being arrested," said Eralidis Frómeta,
who belongs to that movement, which was founded by Laura Pollán in 2003.

Source: Berta Soler Released, But UNPACU Activists Still Detained /
14ymedio, Mario Penton – Translating Cuba -

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